Friday, June 17, 2011

Comp Rezoning - here we go!

Over the past several weeks, I have hosted a series of community meetings to provide information and solicit feedback regarding the upcoming Comprehensive Rezoning for District 6. Over 100 residents attended these meetings, and there was a good information exchange. Also, last night (6/16), the Planning Advisory Board (PAB) conducted a "listening session" for the public to comment on proposed amendment requests. The three community meetings and the PAB hearing were all very valuable for me as your District 6 representative. Thanks to all of you who attended.

The next phase of the Comprehensive Rezoning process begins on Monday night, June 20. The Comp Rezoning Bill, #44-11, will have a public hearing at the County Council meeting. This is the best opportunity for residents to voice their opinions on any proposals within the bill, or any of the amendment requests. There is expected to be a very large turnout, so if you plan to testify, be prepared to stay a while.

To view the bill as proposed, see here:
To view the amendment requests, see here:

In order for the bill to be amended, a Councilmember must propose an amendment, receive a "second" and then the amendment must receive a majority vote. If the bill is amended, it will then necessitate a public hearing at the following Council meeting. I do not expect any amendments on June 20, but I do expect the bill to be amended on July 5, which would then mandate a public hearing on the amended bill on July 18. It could be amended further on July 18, which would then mandate a public hearing on August 1. The bill must receive a final vote by August 15 or it will expire.

The bottom line is that there will be multiple opportunities for public comment on Bill 44-11. Even if you are not able to attend a meeting, I would encourage you to send written testimony if you have a strong opinion about anything contained within the bill, or any of the proposed amendment requests.

My Dad and me, circa 1975
As we enter this weekend, I want to take a moment to say Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. As most people know, I have two children myself. Although juggling two jobs is very challenging, I sometimes think that being a good parent is the hardest job of all. Luckily it is also the most rewarding. My Dad helped instill in me my love for the natural world, and my interest in science and nature. I plan to go fishing with him this Sunday.

Happy Fathers Day!


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